Let’s throw back today to a few concepts that everyone should remember, and that we often need constant reminders about:
Self-defense is a human right.
Anybody, everybody, has the right to defend themselves against those who would try to take away their lives. That includes the right to access, possess, and carry the tools that allow them to do so effectively. Fairness and equity in self-defense is about making the smaller and the weaker more capable to respond to the threats against them, not in making the playing field equal in tools and unequal in effect. It’s not just about the right to defend, but the right to defend effectively.
You are worth defending.
The right to self-defense is not a vague and nebulous thing that exists out there for other people. It’s for you too. You, individually, in all your unique brokenness and wholeness, with all of your shames and triumphs, are worth defending. Nobody has the right to take life, and the opportunities that await in your future merely because you live, away from you.
Both are true. Don’t forget them.