Welcome to On Her Own
A place for the woman who has herself together and is just messy around the edges AND the woman who aspires to be that woman
- Jane Smith
Personal Coach

Dating and self-defense with Caleb Giddings
I don’t know about you, but I grew up in the age of stranger danger. If I didn’t meet someone through a trusted source, then they might kidnap, rape, or kill me. And yet, in single woman world, we using dating apps and websites all the time to intentionally meet complete strangers from the internet

How to be rude [updated July 2023]
We all know the standard safety tip offered to women: don’t be afraid to be rude. If we want to refuse a request, if we want to leave a place, if we object to being touched, then we have the right to say no and we don’t have to be nice about it. While there

It’s Okay To Be Rude
One of the challenging parts of the MUC – Managing Unknown Contacts – stuff we talked about yesterday is that it can feel really rude. MUC strategies can include brushing by someone with angry-face on and ignoring anything they might have to say, or asking them to stay away from you, or even yelling at

Managing Unknown Contacts – An Introduction
We haven’t talked about MUC – Managing Unknown Contacts – in a hot minute, and it’s a good time for a review as we venture into summer vacations. Classically, as originated and taught by Craig Douglas of Shivworks, MUC has some specific elements about creating and using a set of simple responses to the approach

And then she fell down
Last week, I took my Grom out for a ride around some local back roads, went into a turn a bit too fast (about 30mph is my best guess) and hit some gravel or similar road debris. I rode the bike down, landed with it on top of my left leg, and have a super

Why guns can be a bad idea for self-defense
The thing about lethal force, whether or not you intend it to be lethal, is that the consequences can be extremely high if we use it in ways that are not legally permissible. Watching the news and social media are not complete educations about what is and isn’t okay in the eyes of the law,