On Her Own


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Lessons from the hunt: A story I tell about myself

It’s Sunday afternoon, and I just filleted off several pairs of duck breasts to marinate before I sear them off for dinner. Not wanting to let the bones go to waste, I tossed them into a pot and turned the burner up on high to let them take on a little bit of color. As

It’s time to train

Time is our most precious resource. It’s the only thing we can’t make more of. Once it’s gone, it’s gone, and we can’t go backwards to recover it, or go forward and make more of it. The best we can do is cut down how much time we spend on something, or trade off the

Why we travel

Travel. I talk about it a lot because it’s one of the most common times when a woman might find herself on her own. Whether it’s the short trips across town as we commute or shop or the longer journeys for work or play, even those of us who live with others don’t always have

Birthday giveaway: free book!

For my birthday this year, I’m giving you a free book! Well, I’m going to point you to the Kindle version, which the author is making free for download for five days starting today, and I’m personally going to give out some paper copies. Read on for details… Long-time followers will know that one of

No guns or weapons allowed

How many of you carry some sort of self defense tool or weapon on a regular basis? How many of you ever want to go to places where those things aren’t allowed? Without getting into the politics in play, suffice it to say that there are many places where a visitor isn’t permitted by policy

“If this, then that” self defense

Many physical self-defense strategies fall victim to what I describe as the “if this, then that” fallacy. They assume an attack looks a certain way, can be met by a very specific counter, and then a one or a small handful of outcomes will occur after which the attack will have ended. Many of the

Viral safety tip!

There’s a safety tip that’s gone viral in the last few days. You might have seen it, the suggestion that if you get lost and have low to no cell phone signal or battery, you should change your outgoing voicemail message to the time and date, your location, and the troublesome situation you’re in. The

Becoming resilient

On Friday, I wrote about some of the bad and good of martial arts training for self defense. On Saturday, I went to Brazilian jiu-jitsu class, and was reminded of perhaps the most important lesson for survival that engaging in this sort of activity can teach you. See, I went to class utterly exhausted after

The promise of martial arts for self defense

One of the most popular suggestions for someone who wants to start being responsible for her safety is to learn a martial art. It’s an especially common recommendation for young girls who can’t carry weapons due to legal or school policy restrictions, as well as for anyone who can’t or doesn’t want to use weapons

You are worth defending

A few weeks ago, I mentioned participating in a BERETTA speaker panel at the USCCA Concealed Carry Expo, as part of the APX A1 Carry launch. If you weren’t there, the panel was recorded and will be available to watch in full tomorrow (I’ll share!). In the meantime, I’m really excited to be able to