On Her Own


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How to be safer next year

The week between Christmas and New Year’s often seems like a gap in time, a moment when the world collectively holds its breath and takes a break. Many businesses are closed, or people out on vacation. If you are working, you’re often having to deal with more people than usual not working. Everything seems like

What to do if you see a car accident

In our travels over the holidays and as weather continues to worsen, it’s likely that many of us will see at least one severe car accident. When we come across one, we may feel any combination of sadness and empathy for the folks involved, relief that it’s not us, annoyance at the delay, and an

Self-defense: What is the goal?

In my morning BJJ class this week, my instructor made a comment about judging progress by seeing how well students are able to escape from under someone else’s control or threat of submission. It struck me as especially significant because it gets at the heart of what your goals need to be when you train

Just do it: Why it’s worth getting started

A year ago, I had no idea how to ride a motorcycle. In fact, I couldn’t honestly say that I even remembered how to ride a bicycle. Nine months ago, I thought it’d take me all of the warm weather the year would have to offer for me to learn enough riding skills to be

The self-defense grind: why it’s worth the work

It’s a lot of work to prepare yourself against all of the various threats that you can face; you have to consider your home, your bank account, your emotional safety, your physical security, and more. The world is a scary place, and there are so many ways life can go wrong. It can seem like

How to get the best advice

Throwback today to a post from almost exactly one year ago, when I wrote about finding the experts you can trust with your life. I’m thinking today about identifying experts. When learning about any new topic, it’s important to source your information from reliable sources. Even (maybe especially) if you want to develop new theories

Random street crime: a safety guide

Random street crime seems to be on the rise, at least if you read the news. Whether it’s yet another shooting in Philadelphia, the stabbings in New York City, or the “follow home” robberies in Los Angeles, it seems like there’s always something popping up multiple times a day. Leaving the house can be a

Defending yourself against scammers: 3 easy steps

Most bad guys who want to hurt you have to find and attack you in person. Not so with scammers, who can reach you through mail, phone, social media, and other remote means. They can’t injure you physically, but they can get you somewhere else it really hurts: your savings. When someone scams money away

Self-defense is a human right…but what does that mean?

Self-defense is a human right. I say it often here at On Her Own, but it’s perhaps not always very well defined. It’s the idea that we can stop others from injuring or killing us and it’s nearly universal. What gets complicated is figuring out what someone hurting us looks like, and when hurting them

How to stay safe from mall shootings

The media loves to turn shots fired into an active shooter situation, with all of the implications of that phrase evoking a crazed madman wandering about and firing guns randomly into a crowd. It’s more dramatic that way, and scarier for you as the reader. It makes you wonder if you or a loved one