Hello, lovely, appreciated, and valued followers of OHO. I have some brief real talk and admin updates for you today.
Some of you may have noticed that the pace of content here has slowed down a bit recently. There are several reasons. OHO began, somewhat coincidentally, in the early days of COVID with its reduced travel. My time on the road is returning to normal, and I have also increased some of my other commitments as we have entered the post-pandemic world, along with my continuing demands at my day job. In addition, I am managing some personal issues that are taking attention and energy away from the passion project that is OHO. I’ll be honest: I’m struggling, as I’m sure many of you are. I hope to be back in full force one day but in the meantime, ask for the same grace that I hope you are extending to yourselves. And finally, there are some content directions I’d like to take OHO that I think you’ll be really happy with, if I can only carve out the hours to produce them. So I’m going to modify my regular schedule and hope you stick with me until we find a new normal.
As part of this transition, I’d like to hear from all of you. What do you like best about OHO so far? What would you like to see more of? What do you find less helpful? Are you interested in an OHO-specific community forum or group? Merchandise? Classes? OHO has largely been driven by my personal vision since it started and now that you’ve seen so much of what I think, I’d like it very much if you told me what you think.
Ultimately, OHO is about what we need to survive and thrive, especially when we lack the traditional support structures that most of us have grown up relying on or expecting to exist. Self-defense will always be a major part of my message because there is no time we are more alone when it is one of us against the world that is trying to harm us. It’s not just shadowy strangers attacking us though as there are, sadly, other bad guys we know and bad things that might happen out there that might interfere with our lives. Who and what worries you? How can I help you be safer from those people and things? Then, because survival means nothing without thriving, without joy and wonder and delight, what is it that brings you happiness and peace? It’s a squishier topic, and a hard one to define, let alone talk about. How could and should we?
While you come up with some answers – and I hope you do – thank you for being along for the ride. I’m looking forward to where we go in the future. Whether you’re a new follower or have been with me from the beginning or before, you’re why OHO exists. I am grateful.