On Her Own


Recent Stories

The story of a blanket

Today, I am extra proud of my friend, Sara Westman of Kitfox Design Group. She’s launching pre-orders for a really neat project of hers: the Vietnam Throw. The Vietnam Throw combines her unique style of art with a personal passion and a unique manufacturing process where the design is woven into the blanket itself on

Independence Day

Here in the United States, we are celebrating the Fourth of July this weekend. It’s the anniversary of the day the American colonies declared that they were no longer willing to accept England’s power over them. For most of us, it’s something like a barbecue or picnic, some fireworks, maybe a day off work and

Why it matters: working out

In the last thirty hours or so, I’ve gone to a BJJ class, lifted weights twice (and hit a personal record on my back squat by ten pounds!), and had a dry-needling session where I’m finally working on chronic problems instead of acute injuries. It’s a lot of time and I’m pretty tired, because I’m

On courage

Courage is what defines the brave. We think of them as heroes, the people we look up to. Rarely do we think of ourselves as one of them. We think of them as the people who run into danger, who save lives, who do the sorts of things that ordinary people can’t or won’t. Our

Is it worth the money?

We’ve talked this week about something not worth spending money on, and something maybe worth spending money on. How do you decide what’s actually worth spending your money on? Whether you’re buying a treat or deciding whether a particular necessity really is necessary, there are a number of things to keep in mind to figure

Therapy: Yes, it’s for you too

Protecting and taking care of yourself doesn’t encompass just the immediate physical concerns that can impact your safety. Before and after those events, there’s another piece I’ve talked about here and there. It’s important to help you avoid certain types of violence and unhealthy situations, to help you survive them when they happen, and to

Choose to challenge

It’s International Women’s Day once again, and this year’s theme is “Choose To Challenge.” On one end, it’s about calling out bad behavior – bias and inequality. On the other, it’s about showcasing women who have achieved. There’s a lane in the middle, though, that I think is particularly relevant to women who face the

Journeying to health: some lessons learned

Last fall, I underwent an intensive procedure to address some serious back issues. I’d been in pain for at least three-quarters of a year by that point, and that was just the most recent bout of it. There had been times in years past I could barely sit, walk, or even lie down. When I’d

Making it last….Or not

Hope everyone had the Valentine’s Day weekend they hoped for, whatever that means for them. In this next conversation with Lee of The Obscene Sailor, we talk about maintaining settled relationships, and maintaining your self-identity as part of them. Lee fixes his mic, and makes me speechless, as we talk about the skills we can

“This is going to hurt just a little bit.”

“This is going to hurt just a little bit” Ogden Nash was talking about the dentist’s common reassurance, but we’ve all heard it in many other contexts. And we know it’s often a false promise, a little white lie. Maybe a big one. Even so, we let ourselves be talked into believing it. Why? I