On Her Own


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So what now? Moving from feeling safe to being safe

So what’s the solution? I’ve told you this week about a few things that don’t work to help you be safe. Even though those strategies might make you feel better, they’re unlikely to make much, if any, difference at all when a bad guy shows up. It sounds pretty hopeless, but knowing is half the

The mindset balancing act

There is a duality among women that I and others have observed. We either are extremely reluctant to recognize that violence exists in the world and that we may need to be violent to resist it, or we are extremely confident that we will be able to respond with force and effectiveness against the evils

Self-defense classes hit it all wrong

‘Tis the season for women’s self-defense seminars. I’ve seen them run year-round, but they seem especially popular this time of year, as girls prepare to move away from home for the first time and go off to college. Anybody can run one, so there’s a lot of variation in content and quality. One of the

AMA: Volume 2 – On getting fit and starting BJJ

Physical fitness and Brazilian jiu-jitsu also came up in my AMA, and no surprises there. As one of my followers said, we know fitness is important for self-defense and general health. I’ve talked before about how it can be an important part of being able to stop a bad guy, but also about how being

AMA: Volume 1 – Why guns, and other lessons learned

Wow, you guys had lots of really great questions! Thank you for being such engaged and thoughtful followers. Without you, OHO would be less. I’m going to answer a few of them today, but some others deserve some more attention and you’ll see them addressed in upcoming posts. Let’s start with these, which I think


Earlier this month, a pizza delivery driver by the name of Nicholas Bostic saw a house on fire. Unlike many people, he not only stopped, he ran into the flames not knowing who might be in there and helped four children escape. Not satisfied, he returned inside the fully-engulfed structure to save one last child,

The world as it is

Much ink and many pixels have been spilled over the trickle of information that’s been coming out about the police response at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas. Many have talked about the concept that nobody is coming to save you; you are on your own to defend yourself. That is true, but before we can

How to spot technology-based scams

Usually when we think about bad guys hitting us where it hurts, we’re thinking of physical attacks. Our bodies aren’t the only place where they can injure us in ways that will affect our physical well-being, though. As a reader recently reminded me, and as I’m sure many of us have been thinking about as

Talisman or tool against danger: how do you tell?

Everyday carry, EDC, is exactly what it sounds like: the things you bring with you wherever you go, whenever you go. It’s not exclusive to the gun world but includes at least one tool that’s intended for self-defense. The photos are often presented without context, as an artfully arranged collection of items laid out on

How to tell if someone is a good guy or a bad guy

You may have seen that I’ve been posting short “lessons learned” drawn directly from news snippets that I run across on a regular basis. They’re real-world illustrations of the topics I discuss at length here at OHO, meant to give you short and simple reminders to help you stay safe every day. Often, you’ll see