Welcome to On Her Own
A place for the woman who has herself together and is just messy around the edges AND the woman who aspires to be that woman
- Jane Smith
Personal Coach

What to do if you are being followed
Step 0: Are you carrying pepper spray? You should be. If a stranger is an actual issue, OC is very likely enough to solve the most common worst-case scenario problems. Step 1: Relax. Are they really following you or are they also just looking for Diet Coke? You can change your path through the store

Folding knives for self-defense [updated February 2023]
You or somebody you know probably does or has thought about carrying a knife for self-defense. There are many pros and cons to the idea generally, and I’ve talked about them before here at On Her Own. I’d like to focus today on the particular flavor of folding pocket knives. They are an incredibly popular

Popularity sells, but at what cost?
I’m angry today. I’m angry that companies will sacrifice your safety and your life on the altar of sales. Unsafe carry methods, like gimmicky self-defense products, are often marketed as clearly being effective because so many people have bought into them. The problem is that popularity won’t save you when your tools are the very

Site news and updates
Hello, lovely, appreciated, and valued followers of OHO. I have some brief real talk and admin updates for you today. Some of you may have noticed that the pace of content here has slowed down a bit recently. There are several reasons. OHO began, somewhat coincidentally, in the early days of COVID with its reduced

Budgeting for the holiday season
Not sure if you’re aware, but we are now officially under two months to American Thanksgiving. The holiday season is going to be hitting us fast and hard soon, and if you’re feeling as overwhelmed as I am about the way the year’s been going, then let’s start doing some planning so it will be

If not me, then who?
Gabe White asks this question in each of his Pistol Shooting Solutions classes, where he gathers students for two days of high-level shooting with a focus on skills and tactics appropriate for regular-person concealed carry and armed self-defense. It’s an excellent class and I took it for the second time earlier this month. I could