On Her Own


Recent Stories

The mystery of beauty

Beauty is a mysterious thing. We know it when we see it, but most of us can’t when it’s familiar to us and perhaps especially so when it’s closest to home in our own faces and bodies. It’s something I struggle with, and I’m betting many of you do as well. It’s important to learn

How to be safer next year

The week between Christmas and New Year’s often seems like a gap in time, a moment when the world collectively holds its breath and takes a break. Many businesses are closed, or people out on vacation. If you are working, you’re often having to deal with more people than usual not working. Everything seems like

On Solstice, and surviving until spring

I’m writing this on Winter Solstice, the shortest day and longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. For those of us with Seasonal Affective Disorder, and even those of us without, this is the turning point, when the sun begins to stay with us a little longer every day. The dark days are

December blues: A survival guide

Hey, let’s talk about a tough topic that’s likely brewing for many of you this time of year. December is when the days get almost impossibly short here in the Northern Hemisphere, and when the reminders and pressures of the holiday season press on us the hardest. Winter weather means it’s getting colder, and the

Lessons from the hunt: A story I tell about myself

It’s Sunday afternoon, and I just filleted off several pairs of duck breasts to marinate before I sear them off for dinner. Not wanting to let the bones go to waste, I tossed them into a pot and turned the burner up on high to let them take on a little bit of color. As

It’s time to train

Time is our most precious resource. It’s the only thing we can’t make more of. Once it’s gone, it’s gone, and we can’t go backwards to recover it, or go forward and make more of it. The best we can do is cut down how much time we spend on something, or trade off the

Reasons you should cook for yourself

In the spirit of living in the present and doing today what shouldn’t wait until tomorrow, one of the areas we sometimes forget to pay attention to is food, both eating but especially cooking. When we’re new to living on our own, or get busy with everything else we have to deal with, it’s easy

Memento mori: for Jerry

Part of the mission of On Her Own is to compassionately witness the bad things that happen to people, and to honor their pain and loss by learning from their experiences. Sometimes, that means taking a look at their actions that may have led to their death or injury, and understanding what they did well

It’s you

I have a reminder for you – and me – today: Your reason for being, your reason for surviving, for fighting, for thriving? It can be you. Just you. It doesn’t have to be your family, your children, your career, your faith, your cause, your pets, or even your friends. That’s not to say they

Artistry and mastery

Artistry and mastery come in many forms. Most of us know what fine art looks like, and high-end craftsmanship. We recognize the skill and talent required to be internationally competitive in, say, Olympic sports. We enjoy good cooking and fancy pastry. But there ones that are easily overlooked too, and they’re just as important. Seeing